Proud parents:

Dam: Linda Villa Evangelinas
HD: A/A, Hips:0, Elbows:Clear 2013
Junior Champion of BiH
Junior Champion of RS
Junior Best in Show 
Champion of BiH
Champion of RS
Natural Ability Test
Sire:Jasper Bos Evangelianas 
HD:A/C, Hips:0, Elbows:Clear2013 
Top junior Golden Retriever in RCRS 2013
Junior Champion of BiH 
Junior Champion of RS 
Junior Chamion of Fed. BIH 
Champion of RS
Champion of BiH
Open International Champion 
Junior Best in Show 
Baby Best in Show 
Puppy Best in Show 
Natural Ability Test

Puppies born 12.04.2014
4 males and 5 females